Protos Security Whitepaper

Leveraging Law Enforcement and Security Measures to Combat ORC

Organized retail crime (ORC) poses a significant challenge to law enforcement and society as a whole. While it is well known that financial losses, public safety concerns, and broader societal impacts are all part of these issues, it is challenging to find a solution as crime rates continue to rise. The purpose of this whitepaper is to explore the role of law enforcement in combating organized retail crime. Retailers and consumers alike are negatively affected, which results in billions of dollars in losses each year. In order to effectively address this issue, law enforcement must work collaboratively with retailers and other stakeholders.

We present strategies and recommendations to enhance the fight against ORC, contributing to the protection of businesses and the safety of communities. A number of challenges associated with ORC are outlined, as well as strategies and best practices that retailers should follow to collaborate effectively with law enforcement and other stakeholders. The whitepaper also discusses solutions and strategies to combat this growing problem.

Download this whitepaper to learn more about law enforcement’s vital role in creating a safer environment for society and communities while reducing organized retail crime.

Cover image of whitepaper with man in dark hoodie walking down aisle of store