Risk Mitigation

Whether your focus is to reduce shrink, control access or ensure adherence to life safety protocols, utilizing reliable security measures in conjunction with well-trained security personnel will increase the likelihood of a positive outcome. Multidimensional risk mitigation can be simplified down to the “3 Ds” – Deter, Detect and Delay. While each industry, location and individual client faces unique risks, this approach works across industries and can be scaled for organizations of all sizes.

“Security guards…deter offenders. They prevent crime but also increase detection of new crimes.”

Source: ‘Lowering the threshold of effective deterrence’ — Testing the effect of private security agents in public spaces on crime.


The ideal security program can deter bad actors from acting in the first place. The mere visual presence of a security officer or patrol vehicle can often steer a potential threat elsewhere. Additional deterrence measures include security patrols, remote monitoring, CCTV, intercom systems, audible alarms, proper lighting, perimeter fencing and visible signage. Deterrence measures such as these can prevent crime by making the crime itself seem too difficult to be worthwhile. Taking this a step further, deterring theft can also include strategies that may not even seem directly related, such as screening potential employees’ backgrounds since insider threats are especially challenging for many organizations.


Even the best deterrence plan may not stop all incidents. In the event your deterrence measures are ignored, you must be able to detect and recognize a potential threat. Video analytics technology and sensor systems have advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. Technology that used to be considered “Sci-Fi” is now readily available to commercial entities. Surveillance systems are now capable of not only detecting motion, sound and vibration but recognizing the human form and taking unique actions based on thousands of customizable parameters. However, these systems alone are not fool-proof and will likely result in unmanageable false alarms if not properly managed. Many police departments have begun fining companies and sometimes not responding if the alarms are not properly verified. The best solution is a blend between video analytics and properly trained security personnel.


Once a threat is detected, the goal is to delay the individual(s) from gaining access to critical areas and also slowing down the time between detection and the individual(s) being able to leave the site. This can help ensure that responders, such as local law enforcement, have time to apprehend the individual. The level to which you choose to act can vary greatly and you must ensure this aligns with your corporate goals and culture. For example, employees also may need to be trained on safety measure, such as checking that all doors are checked and locked at the end of each day.

Combining the 3Ds for a Comprehensive Risk Management Approach

Deterring, detecting and delaying work together in a variety of scenarios. For some organizations, the process can include an integrated video surveillance system that instantly alerts the Security Operations Center (SOC) of a potential intrusion when an individual enters a restricted area afterhours. The SOC can then, both visually and audibly, acknowledge the receipt of the alarm, verify the validity of the alarm through cameras/sensors and coordinate the most effective response(s).

A more immediate response, such as an audio call down through a camera system or the arrival of onsite security officers, can help to further deter and detect the intruder. At the same time, local law enforcement can be dispatched while delay measures, such as a locked safe, work to slow down the progress of the intruder. This results in dispatching the appropriate response team(s) within the shortest timeframe to mitigate the incident, secure an incident scene, prevent damage to the facility and notify all necessary individuals.

Protos’ Approach to 3D Risk Management

By utilizing a holistic, “3D” approach to risk management, a variety of threats can be effectively deterred, detected and delayed. Finding the most successful combination for your security program is often reliant on effectively anticipating and preparing for the most likely risks for each site you manage. Contact us today to see for yourself how Protos Security can help you take a multidimensional approach to your security program through placing real-time data, insights and overall transparency in your hands.

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About Joseph A. Malone

Joe Malone is a Regional Sales Director at Protos Security. He specializes in designing customized security programs for a multitude of clients in industries such as retailers, warehousing, healthcare, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, campuses, houses of worship and residential/commercial buildings. Utilizing lessons learned from over a decade of supporting a diverse group of security clients across different industries, Joe is uniquely suited to design and oversee highly-customized security programs tailored to each organization’s needs.

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